[Feature] Upload 7 days workout to intervals.icu

Now enduroco uploads next 7 days workouts to intervals.icu.

The feature is in beta and will be bug free in the next few weeks.

Note: Updates won’t be as quick as TrainingPeaks for now. TrainingPeaks will remain source of absolute truth.

If the workouts are not showing in intervals then yours is an old account and you have to disconnect and reconnect with intervals. This will give enduroco workout posting permissions.


II created an account recently in September. Only one training session was imported into Intervals.icu.

How do I import the rest? What could be the problem?

Hi @lesorub87

Enduroco uploads only next days workout in intervals.

The issue seems to be with your settings as I can see you have disabled all workout types.

If you can enable at least one of the heads it will start uploading workouts. I have reset your settings to default ie Bike power and Run pace for now. You can go and change that from the settings.

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