How to connect Garmin account to TrainingPeak

Log into your TrainingPeaks account:

Open your preferred web browser and navigate to the TrainingPeaks website. Input your login credentials and sign in.

Access “Account Settings”:

Click on your name or the avatar on the top right corner of the TrainingPeaks dashboard, then select “Account Settings” from the dropdown menu.

Go to “Manage Connections”:

Inside the Account Settings page, find and select the “Manage Connections” option on the left panel.

Connect to Garmin Connect:

In the “Manage Connections” section, you will find a list of applications that can be connected to TrainingPeaks. Find Garmin Connect in this list and click on the “Connect” button next to it.

Log into Garmin Connect:

You will be redirected to the Garmin Connect login page. Input your Garmin Connect account credentials and sign in.

Authorize Access:

After signing in, Garmin Connect will ask for your permission to allow TrainingPeaks to access your data. You should review the details of this access and then click on “Agree” or “Authorize” to confirm.

Successful Linking:

Once you authorize the access, you will be redirected back to TrainingPeaks and a confirmation message will show you that the connection was successful.