How to Enable Free Trial Subscription using Mobile App

In this post, we’ll be guiding how to start your trial subscription using mobile app.Earlier it was limited to webapp only, all this can be easily done through Android/IOS app now.

Step 1: Create and login to your account

Start by opening Enduroco android/ios app and sign up to create your account or login to your account if its already registered.

Step 2: Starting your Trial

  1. Switch to “Settings” tab.

  2. Scroll down to Subscription option. Here please note account status would be “new” for you.

  3. Click on Subscribe button.

  4. Clicking on Subscribe button will give you 2 options. Monthly plan will give you 7 day trial while opting yearly plan will provide you 14 day trial period. Select the appropriate one as per your convenience and click on “Continue to Checkout”.

  5. “Continue to checkout” will take you to the payment option page. Add the payment method to start your free trial. You won’t be charged if you cancel before 7/14 days period depending on your monthly /yearly subscription.