London Edinburgh London sync for Indian Riders

For all the riders attempting LEL please use this as a reference.

Please leave your Name, Team Name, Start Time, Bag Drop in reply below. Could come handy to others.

What we know

  • Link to rider portal
  • London start is 20 kms longer. But if you are staying in the centre then it’s 23km to get to Debden.
  • As per their post. If you have selected an oversubscribed time slot, we’ll draw a ballot for the slot. If you are unsuccessful you will be moved to the nearest available time slot.
  • 40% of the field seeks a start time of 07:00 or 08:00. I already have 142 requests for a 07:00 start time. Apart from the lucky fifty riders who will get that spot, the rest of you will be bumped to 14:45 and 15:00 and there will no opportunity to appeal. Do you fancy those odds?

Selected options
Name : Rohan Sharma
Team Name : TeamVG15
Start Time : 7:15 AM
Bag Drop : Hessle, Brampton

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All GPS Routes
Updated 16-06-2022. Boston Control change added