Running Long runs on HR based

In Running, HR based runs in Z2 pace, beyond what time is advisable. 90min/ 120min or beyond?

Long runs can be done both in HR or pace. Whatever feels more comfortable.

For example if your HR runs high then you will find HR shooting up towards the latter part of pace based runs. If you have trouble holding that better to shift to HR based runs. It will slow you down a bit but benefits will be similar.

There has been a recent tweet in pace to HR mapping so the zones should feel a bit more relatable.

I’ve a reverse issue. In Pace I’m able to maintain my HR pretty steady and in most times HR is lower than the avg. HR. But when I do HR based long runs, need to run faster to reach the avg. HR.
If you’ll see my workouts generated for Long runs or any z2 runs. In [Pace] workouts avg. pace is 6:04 and in [HR] workouts avg. pace is 5:55.

In that case you should also try HR based workouts. You might be under training and lower pace. Give it a try.